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Healthy self-leadership

Healthy self-leadership

Target: Supporting leaders in developing stress management and self-leadership techniques.

Target audience: Post-docs, junior group leaders, and researchers in later career stages.

Benefits for your career phase: Promoting a balanced lifestyle, stress reduction, increasing personal efficiency, and long-term promotion of physical and mental health for a successful scientific career.

Short description: Healthy self-leadership refers to the ability to manage oneself consciously. It includes aspects such as self-reflection, stress management, time management, and self-care. Healthy self-leadership contributes to a balanced lifestyle, reduces stress, increases personal efficiency, and promotes both physical and mental health in the long run. It enables better coping with professional and personal challenges and leads to a fulfilling life. In this workshop, we particularly focus on the fact that healthy self-leadership not only serves to achieve professional goals but also forms a fundamental basis for your personal health. We encourage integrating mindfulness and self-reflection as key components of your leadership skills.

Trainer: Dr. med. Nathalie Lüke is a medical doctor, systemic counselor, and trainer. In her customized seminars, she supports leaders in developing personal stress management and healthy self-leadership techniques. Her approach promotes health-oriented leadership development that not only enhances the health of employees but also promotes the individual health of leaders themselves.

Dates: October 8th and December 3rd (in-person), 9 am to 3 pm

Registration deadline: September 10th, 2024

Registration: Via email to health@hhu.de



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