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Business trips

Attending conferences, scientific exchanges or carrying out projects with national and international partners - all this is an important part of academic work. However, the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from mobility contribute significantly to a university's CO2eq footprint. Air travel in particular is also harmful to the climate through the emission of particulates, sulphur and nitrogen oxides, water vapour and other emissions, especially at high altitudes. Some destinations can only be reached by plane, but many can also be reached by bus or train. According to the Federal Environment Agency, domestic flights produce 271 grams of greenhouse gas emissions per person-kilometre, while passenger cars produce 162 grams per person-kilometre and rail travel only 46 grams per person-kilometre.   

With the goal of climate neutrality by 2035 in mind, the guideline for environmentally friendly business travel came into effect at HHU on 1 January 2023. Whenever possible, business trips are to be replaced by digital formats, i.e. for each business trip, the first step is to question whether it is necessary or whether an exchange cannot also be realised in a digital framework.

"Green" means of transport are privileged via a general business trip permit. The elimination of the approval process simplifies and thus speeds up the implementation of business trips for travellers. In this way, climate-friendly travel is rewarded. As a rule, air travel is prohibited within a radius of 500 km from the place of work. For unavoidable business trips by plane, the greenhouse gas emissions caused by these trips will be compensated in future via a university climate protection fund. The fund will be fed by the obligatory payment of a corresponding amount per business trip. The available funds will be used for climate protection measures at HHU.

We will provide regular information here about the projects that have been implemented.

In the following graphic, you will find important impulses for environmentally friendly travel that you can use as a guide when planning your next event. 

The guideline for environmentally friendly business trips came into effect on 1st January 2023 and applies to business trips that are financed via HHU and settled via the central university administration.


  • For business trips to business locations within a radius of 500 km from the place of work (based on continental Europe), the use of air travel is excluded.
  • Only in exceptional cases can flight costs to the above-mentioned business locations be compensated (see exceptions).
  • When using the transportation services of train, bus, public transport and bicycle, a general business trip permit is valid and no business trip application to the travel office is required (see general business trip permit).
  • As a general rule, everyone should check before starting a business trip whether it can be avoided or replaced by digital means of communication.
  • When using the transport services of train, bus, local public transport and bicycle, no business trip application is required from the travel office in the future.
  •     This also applies to business trips lasting up to two days, regardless of the means of transport chosen.
  •     In these cases, the approval for a business trip is given by the superior. All employees are still obliged to inform their direct superiors in advance about upcoming business trips and to obtain their approval.
  •     Reimbursement of travel expenses is made via the HHU business travel portal.
  •     For business trips that are not covered by the general business trip approval (air travel or travel by car), a business trip application must be submitted via the business trip portal.
  •     The general business trip approval does not apply to members of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Economy and frugality are relevant. But those who choose the train are reimbursed for the higher costs - even if the rail journey is more expensive than the air journey. In addition to the actual journey, this can also include additional overnight stays or daily subsistences.
  •     From a journey duration (of the train journey) of two hours, the costs of the 1st class can also be reimbursed for a train journey.

For business trips to business locations within a radius of 500 km from the place of work, the use of air travel is generally excluded (referring to continental Europe, i.e. London is excluded from this regulation). Frequently travelled business destinations that fall within this radius are e.g. Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Munich, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris or Zurich. If there is any uncertainty as to whether the destination falls within the 500-km radius, the map radius calculator calcmaps.com can help.

  • By way of exception, an aircraft may be used if the duration of the journey is significantly reduced and it is therefore possible to fulfil compelling family obligations - for example, if there are children to look after or close relatives in need of care. In the case of health impairments (e.g. severe disability with a degree of at least 50 or mobility restrictions), it may sometimes be unreasonable to take the train or bus. If in doubt, it helps to ask the travel cost centre in advance.
  • The decision on whether to grant an exception is made by the superior.
  • Due to their high climate impact, all air travel must be compensated by the traveller(s).
  • In order to simplify administrative procedures, compensation is initially made in the form of fixed amounts according to distance categories:
  1.     For intercontinental flights, 100€ are to be paid.
  2.     For all other flights, €30 is to be paid.
  • The compensation payments are to be covered by the organisational unit that finances the business trip. The compensation payment is to be made from budgetary funds.
  •     To arrange for compensation, travellers should send the completed application for budget shifting of the climate protection fund by e-mail to the Department D5.3 Financial Planning and Controlling planung@hhu.de.
  • If third-party funding bodies allow the possibility of settling compensation payments (e.g. DFG), compensation will be made in accordance with the fixed compensation procedure of the third-party funding body. Otherwise, compensation is also made via the university climate protection fund from the budget of the organisational unit in which the business trip takes place.
  • The climate protection fund is used exclusively to finance projects that contribute to CO2 reduction at HHU and that are not already financed through budget or other funds.
  •     The amount paid into the fund depends on the distance travelled. For example, 100 euros will be due in future for a return journey on an intercontinental flight, and 30 euros for all other flights, which will be paid into the climate protection fund from the current budget of the respective university department. The amount of the lump sum will be reviewed annually and adjusted if necessary.
  •     All members of the University can submit proposals for the use of funds to the Heine Center for Sustainable Development.
  •     To do so, members of HHU should send a short project outline with the following information by e-mail to environment@hhu.de: project idea, expected contribution to CO2 reduction, cost estimate and contact person with contact details.
  •     All project proposals will be reviewed by the HCSD and, if necessary, other departments with regard to their potential for CO2 reduction and their feasibility. After reviewing the proposals, the Chancellor will decide on the use of the funds.
  •     The climate protection fund is evaluated annually.
  • On the websites of the HHu travel office, employees can find a wide range of information on business trips and training trips.
  • A comprehensive guide from the Travel Office provides information on all the essential regulations for business travel approval and accounting at HHU, including helpful tips and information on the application process.
  • If you cannot find the information you are looking for on these pages, or if you have any suggestions or tips, please send an e-mail to .
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