The topic of sustainability plays an important role in the scientific landscape. At HHU, numerous scientists deal with issues of environmental and climate protection in their research and teaching.
HHU addresses the issues of ecological sustainability and climate protection in university operations on a conceptual level as well as with various individual measures. Current projects and measures are presented here.
Who does what? Who can I contact? At HHU, various institutions and individuals are concerned with ecological sustainability and offer services for staff and students - an overview can be found here.
The HCSD's Environment Section also coordinates and organises its own activities on environment-related sustainability topics. Information on these and other activities of the HHU and external partners can be found here.
As a university, HHU is setting an example in climate protection: Since 1st of January 2023, the guideline for environmentally friendly business trips has been in effect. More information can be found here.
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19.09.2023 I Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf I Hybrid Event
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This tree is actually called Radbaum, lat. Trochodendron aralioides. It stands in the Botanical Garden of Heinrich Heine…
For the eighth year, a team from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) is taking part in iGEM ("international…